Exploring NOLA: Journey through the history and celebration of New Orleans at Mardi Gras World

Make the most of your McKesson ideaShare experience by setting a plan to discover what makes New Orleans such a unique, vibrant city. This is the fifth part of a series on iconic New Orleans landmarks that we consider must-visit locations.

When visiting New Orleans, there is one experience that perfectly encapsulates the city’s vibrant history and exuberant celebrations: Mardi Gras World. Nestled along the Mississippi River, this iconic attraction offers visitors a unique behind-the-scenes look at the creation of Mardi Gras floats and costumes, while also immersing them in the rich cultural heritage of the city.

To truly understand the significance of Mardi Gras World, we must delve into the captivating history of Kern Studios. In 1932, during the depths of the Great Depression, Roy Kern, a talented artist-turned-sign-painter, found himself struggling to make ends meet. Determined to provide for his family, Roy joined forces with his son, Blaine, and together they built their very first Mardi Gras float on the back of a mule-drawn wagon. Little did they know that this humble beginning would lay the foundation for what would become one of the most iconic names in Mardi Gras history.

Blaine Kern’s artistic talent soon caught the attention of a surgeon who also happened to be the captain of a Mardi Gras Krewe. Impressed by Blaine’s work, the captain invited him to design and construct floats for his Krewe. This marked the birth of Kern Studios in its current form in 1947. Blaine’s reputation grew rapidly, and he soon became the go-to parade designer and builder for legendary krewes like Rex and Zulu.

Blaine Kern’s passion for Mardi Gras extended beyond the borders of New Orleans. In his quest to push the boundaries of float design, he traveled extensively throughout Europe, apprenticing under the world’s leading float and costume makers. Inspired by the extravagant concepts and animated displays he encountered, Blaine brought this European flair back to New Orleans, revolutionizing Mardi Gras float design. Today, his monumental-scale floats and lavish ornamentation are the hallmark of Mardi Gras celebrations in the city, earning him the title “Mr. Mardi Gras.”

In 1984, after countless requests for private tours of Kern Studios, the Kern family decided to open up their working studio to the public, giving birth to Mardi Gras World. This attraction offers visitors an exclusive glimpse into the magic behind Mardi Gras. As you step inside, you are transported into a world of vibrant colors, intricate designs, and a contagious energy that epitomizes the spirit of New Orleans.

The tour of Mardi Gras World takes you on a captivating journey through the history of Mardi Gras, highlighting the evolution of float design and the craftsmanship involved in bringing these magnificent creations to life. You’ll have the opportunity to witness skilled artisans at work, meticulously crafting the intricate details that adorn the floats. From sculpting to painting, each step of the process is a testament to the dedication and artistry that goes into creating these masterpieces.

As you explore the expansive warehouse, you’ll encounter a vast collection of Mardi Gras floats from past parades, each telling its own unique story. From the whimsical and fantastical to the historical and cultural, these floats showcase the diverse themes and traditions that have shaped Mardi Gras over the years.

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