Do your kids crave adventure and excitement? Then look no further than our wild safari adventure at McKesson ideaShare! Let your little ones unleash their wild side and join us for an unforgettable jungle adventure just steps away from the exhibit hall floor!
For just $50 per day, your children between the ages of 3-17 can experience a wild safari adventure right next to the show floor.
Our safari adventure promises to be an unforgettable experience for your little ones. They will be transported to the heart of the jungle, surrounded by brightly colored animal play huts and jungle decor that will make them feel like they’re really on safari.
We have an exciting lineup of activities planned for your kids during the two days at McKesson ideaShare. From Animal Pictionary to a scavenger hunt safari for ancient hidden gold, we have everything your little explorers need to fuel their imaginations. And what’s a safari without binoculars and wild animal masks? Your kids will get to make their own during our wild adventures!
But the fun doesn’t stop there. Your little ones will also have the opportunity to create their own wild animal souvenirs to take home as a memento of their trip. And what’s snack time without jungle juice and tasty treats to munch on? We’ll discuss what to do if we’re ever lost in the jungle (or just in our own neighborhood) while we enjoy our snacks.
So if you’re looking for a way to keep your kids entertained and engaged during McKesson ideaShare, sign them up for our wild safari adventure! Don’t miss out on the opportunity to give your children an experience they’ll never forget.